Saturday, June 02, 2012

走過從前的曾經 Walking through memories

I came back to my high school campus this afternoon. There's the honor I admired, whereas it's remained only the "ever".

As usual, the door guard is one of the essential decoration (joking), however that's should be the reason why I love it.

The front building - ChuangChingLo is still there which is accompanied with the Science Building in left and the Gym in right. All are retained still.

With the steps moving forward and walking trough the ChuangChingLo, here comes with whole new scenes
amazingly. It's been a long time from last time I came back, in the mean time, the old library was being pulled down and the red bricks building - ShenShiLo was being reconstructed.

此時此刻,嶄新的慎思樓與圖書館建築,原本的圖書 館舊址已經成了一片寬闊的廣場,繼續直行而過慎思樓,連接著的是司令台與田徑場,環顧四周,似乎還是當年高三時從教室窗口望出的舊景,他鄉遇故知的輕鬆感 油然而生。靜靜的挑了個位子,品嚐一中街的小吃,遙想當年青春歲月,甜苦心情豈能忘懷。
But now, there's brand-new building which combines both. The former site of library has been a broad plaza. Don't stop feet and move through the new building- ShenShiLo, which is connected to the platform, and you'll see the sports ground. Look around,  the old scenes in our mind remains and the similar feeling comes out. I choose a free space in order to eat I bought from the famous night market at YiChung Street. At the same time, the young memories seem like to be called back.

With the wind sways, the next stop is the building of students' clubs even though the building was rebuilt.
Along the road which go back to the main door, I see the stele which was carved the four words- 毋負今日. The meaning of it is really profound but in the simple way to explain it that should be "Don't make yourself regret what you do today." Not really conform but I think that's not far from. By the way, I just realized the meaning until I went to university. Then, I take a picture to make a record. Don't regret although I'm not somebody.

It's a callback of not only the memories but also the lost of affections.

I try to write my diary in English, whereas it's not the perfect translation to it.

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