Thursday, November 22, 2012

[NO.95 & 96] Carmen045@P.R.CHINA

Well, these two cards both are sent by Carmen in an interval about 3 weeks , but they arrived at the same day. Carmen picked these two cards related to the new centre axis in Guangzhou. Okay, let's see it clearly. ^___^
Guangzhou Opera House 廣州歌劇院
Postage stamp
illustration of Guangzhou new center axis
Postage stamp 
(Left) 西塔-廣州國際金融中心 (Right) 廣州塔 (小蠻腰?)
看圖和Carmen給我的介紹看了半天,終於搞懂這些建築物們的名字 :P
(Arrival @ 21 November 2012)

Just a little complaint…
Recently, my sending postcards are all disappeared. :( No one register it.  Sad……

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