Thursday, December 13, 2012


桃園楊梅的DALO寄來的動畫展明信片 ^_^
The Animation Show - Watch Me Move
This is a postcard from the Animation Show in Taiwan. This picture is the animation "RABBIT" directed by Run Wrake (UK, 2005). You can see the original film on Youtube (below).
*Run Drake (1965-2012) just passed away in this October from cancer at the age of 47. 
"In 2005, he created his most narrative (and critically successful) work, Rabbit, a morality tale about greed and the loss of innocence told through “Dick and Jane”-style illustrations."- Amid Amidi from Cartoon Brew
Postage stamp
This "Bombax ceiba (cotton tree)" flower stamp is one of the regular flowers stamps issued in 2009. It has reprinted in this October (2012). (Link)
(Arrival @ 10 December 2012)

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