Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Deep-Sea Creatures in Taiwan Souvenir Sheets

Deep-Sea Creatures in Taiwan Souvenir Sheets
Issue Date : 12 December 2012
It is 12.12.12 on the postmark today. So interesting. (Just a funny thing. XD)
(Upper Right) 雷射全像膜 holographic foil
這次的深海生物郵票,主要是以臺灣附近中層帶(約200至1000公尺深)海域的魚類為主題,並在發光部分以磷光油墨(luminous ink)印製,俗稱的「夜光」,要先在燈光照射一下,拿到黑暗中才會有發光效果,不過實際有發光的區塊並不大。另外,中華郵政網站的介紹還提到了-
“為了表現棘銀斧魚銀亮的身體,特在圖案上燙印雷射全像膜(holographic foil)” 

These two souvenir sheets feature animals that live in the mesopelagic zone (between about 200 and 1,000 metres below the surface) of waters near Taiwan. The luminescent parts of these animals are printed in luminous ink. It shows luminous lights after exposing to the light. Actually, the luminous parts are small.
"Furthermore, in order to illustrate the colour of the silver hatchetfish, it is hot stamped with holographic foil."-Chunghua Post Co.
I don't understand how it works, but I can tell that the upper right stamp is really special. I was lucky that the angle of vision in the photo just shows the colourful effect. I think it looks like the playing cards we played in our childhood. =P


This sheet is funny, especially the fish at the bottom. I only bought 2 because it costs too expensive, 25 dollars. I tried to take the photo of it when it's luminous in dark, but it's not easy. :-\

If you'd like to know the details of them, here is the link of English introduction by Chunghwa Post Co.

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