Thursday, August 30, 2012

My First Christmas Card

Do you remember the first card you have ever received ? Who sent it to you ? Or, whom you sent to ?

Today, which I want to share with you is my first Christmas card. 
Actually, this is only a part of the card. The card contains two pieces. One part is color picture with Santa Claus, and the other is this one. You can see it below. (Honestly, I lost the colorful part many years ago. Sad.)
"My name" and "Wish You Merry Christmas". "Her name".
This was sent by a girl when I was Grade 2 in the elementary school (approximately, the year 1992). Her seat was just by mine. In a specific speaking, she did not "send" but "give" to me directly. =P

It is really special and commemorative, isn't it ? Hope you enjoy this old fashion thing. =)

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