New Year’s Greeting Postage Stamps
Issue Date : 03 December 2012
郵票們。Stamps。©Sam Huang |
"2013 marks the Chinese New Year of the Snake, and Chunghwa Post is issuing a new set of New Year’s Greeting Postage Stamps with two stamps and a souvenir sheet featuring the upcoming year’s animal sign. In keeping with the pop modern art and traditional Chinese ink-wash styles of the 2010 and 2011 issues, the vignette of each of the stamps features an artistically papercutted snake or a pair of snakes colored in bright yellow and royal purple against a pale-orange background with random yellow splatters. The bright colour scheme spotlights the joyous atmosphere of the Year of the Snake."-Chunghwa Post Co.
首日封。First Day Cover。©Sam Huang |
首日臨局戳。Postmark。©Sam Huang |
If you'd like to know the details of them, here is the link of English introduction by Chunghwa Post Co.
這麼快出了新年的~ :D 台灣出郵票好像很快咧!